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What is diabetes insipidus?

What is diabetes insipidus?  and why do we get it? Diabetes  insipidus is caused by one of the problems with the production, or processing, of the hormone vasopressin (AVP). If you have it your kidneys are unable to retain water. It produces large amounts of urine and consequently increases thirst.  Diabetes insipidus can occur at any age but  it is most commonly found in adults. This is a rare disorder affecting only 1 in 25,000 people. To understand  diabetes insipidus, we need to understand a little bit about how the body regulates water balance , how much water the body takes and how much it discharges. Water balance is very important for the body. A large part of who we are is made of water. In addition, the amount of water we have in our circulation is a major factor in determining the balance of salt in our body. As with any other important function, the body has a sensitive mechanism for regulating water balance. As with any good mechanism it is as simple as the two