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Heart Care Tips

Heart Care Tips for you.
Heart health is necessary for your healthy life and healthy heart helps you live a longer life. Following tips if used properly and regularly will go a long way in this regard.
Heart Care Tips

Quitting Smoking is good for Heart

The American Heart Association (AHA) strictly asks you to quit smoking to keep your heart healthy. Heart attack risk is extremely reduced when you quit smoking.
Heart Care Tips

Controlling your Belly is good For Heart

Research published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology connects excessive belly fat with higher blood pressure and harmful blood lipid levels. Reduce it and live healthy life. This can be done by eating fewer calories and doing exercise.
Heart Care Tips

Doing Sex is Beneficial for Heart

 Sex is good for your heart. It is not just pleasure that sex creates in your life but it also helps you lower your blood pressure and risk of heart diseases. According to the  American Journal of Cardiology  lower frequency of sexual activity is associated with higher rates of cardiovascular diseases.
Heart Care Tips

Knitting is Benefitting for Heart

Activities like knitting, sewing, and crocheting helps in relieving stress. Similar relaxing hobbies like woodworking, cooking and completing jigsaw puzzles do the same. Stress is reduced a lot this way.
Heart Care Tips

Fiber Rich Salsa

Low fat chips along with fresh vegetables are an antioxidant rich recipe. The recipe will be even better if black beans are an addition. Soluble fiber lowers bad cholesterol.  Avocados, apples, pears, oats, barley – all are the best source of soluble fiber.
Heart Care Tips

Heart Wants chocolates

Heart-healthy flavonoids are sufficiently found in dark chocolates. Inflammation and heart disease risk are lowered by these compounds. Dark chocolate — not over sweetened milk chocolate therefore should be bought in moderation daily for the sake of your heart.

Walk it off

The next time you feel overwhelmed, exasperated, or angry, take a stroll. Even a five-minute walk can help clear your head and lower your stress levels, which is good for your health. Taking a half-hour walk every day is even better for your physical and mental health.

Fat is not god for Heart

Take saturated fat not more than seven percent of your daily calories .According to USDA, this will cut your heart disease risk. High saturated fat foods should be avoided.
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