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Major Development In The Treatment Of Coronavirus

The study made  in France this week found to be effective for victims of the coronavirus disease  Cod-19 and similar results have now emerged in Australia. Two drugs were combined for this.
Scientists at the University of Queensland have decided to launch a clinical trial of 2 drugs currently available. Talking about the study,  Professor David Patterson, director of the University's Center for Clinical Research said  these drugs were very effective in test tube experiments and  that they were now beginning to test them on patients in clinics - one of the drugs used for HIV. While the other is anti-malaria drug.
He also disclosed that before the trial on patients these drugs were used by some of Australia's first patients affected by Cod 19 who fully recovered and now their efficacy in this regard will be confirmed formally. Researchers are now ready to test it on a larger scale in 60 hospitals across Australia to determine their best use.
He further hopped ''the effects of using these drugs separately during the trial will be evaluated and the efficacy of the combination of the two will be tested,.This will begin soon.' It will give us the experience of healing this way because at this point we expect the outbreak to last for several months, if we get the best possible information now we will have immediate treatment for patients in the near future,"
According to the experts, these medicines will be administered to patients in the form of pills and according to Australian scientists their aim is to treat patients as quickly as possible because they want every Australian citizen to receive better treatment. while making  this experiment, chloroquine, a drug used against malaria  also known as hydroxychloroquine and HIV drug were combined which  produced cholera (a combination of two antiviral drugs, lupenavir and retinovirus). 
Before this, a study in France reported that the combination of hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic drug azithromycin used to treat malaria was  also effective in treating Cod-19 and helped reduce the duration of the virus's presence in patients.
This study,  as published in the journal International Journal of Anti-Microbial Agents, made 30 patients with code 19, a part of trial . Some of them were given only anti-malarial drugs, while some were given  antibiotics and  one was given both. Unaware of the risks, both of these drugs were not used to the group.It was found that  6 patients in the study did not show any symptoms of the disease. 22 patients  had headache, sore throat and sneezing while others had cough like symptoms of lower respiratory tract. Research shows that anti-malarial drugs are also effective as a cure but they are more effective when used together. Though ,the research was conducted on a limited scale the results were encouraging because same reports have come from China using this treatment option.  The effects of a drug called favipiravir have been encouraging during clinical trials in Wuhan and Shenzhen,. This said Zheng Shin Min, a former Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology official.
The drug  being talked about was used in 340 patients and  'it has proven to be very effective in treating  patients It was found very safe too. According to the report, the virus  in those patients who used the drug in Shenzhen ended. After 4 days after the test came out positive while the use of other drugs for the symptoms of the disease without this drug required an average of 11 days to recover. ۔
Besides it, the use of this new drug from X-ray confirmed the improvement in the lung condition of 91% of patients, while in other medicines the rate is close to 62%. The drug is said to  have  been  manufactured by Fuji Chemical in Toyama Chemicals in 201 but refused to release any statement on claim made by Chinese. It is important to note that so far no effective treatment for Cod 19 is available  but  a concerted effort  has been made by by scientists to find something that is helping in reducing the duration or severity of this disease.Vaccine preparation is also underway but effective vaccine preparation will require at least one to one-half year period.


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