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Top Ten Health Tips

To live a healthy life is not a child's play but it does not mean that only a few diet conscious souls can live life  free from recurring ailments. Following are the easy and effective tips to live live one can desire for.

1. Don't Eat Junk Food

Prefer to eat real food instead. Junk foods are basically pleasure based leading to overeating and addiction. 
Not only poor in fiber,proteins and micronutrients these ,on the other hand, are very high some unhealthy ingredients such as refined grains and added sugar whereby just empty calories are provided.

2. Don't compromise on Enough Sleep

Regular quality sleep is a sine qua non. Disturbed appetite hormones and insulin resistance are the common results of poor sleep. This culminates in your mental and physical poor performance. Besides it, obesity is another child of mother poor sleep. According to a research, risk of obesity is 89% in children and 55% in adults due to prolonged insufficient sleep.

3. Drink water before meals not just after finishing them

Drinking some water before meals boosts quantity of calories you burn. Studies show that this practice enhances metabolism by 24 to 30 per cent. This means 96 calories burned more if 8.4 cups i-e 2 liters water is drunk each day. Proper time to drink water for this purpose is about half an ho0ur before the meal.

4. Make eating nuts a part of your daily diet

Nuts are a life. these are nutritious and healthy. Essential health giving ingredients like fiber, vitamin E, magnesium and many more nutrients are found in them in abundance. Studies show eating nuts means successful fight against diabetes type 2, less risk of heart diseases,  losing weight and much more. Metabolism is also boosted. Almonds cause weight loss by 62%.

5. Eat Fatty Fish

The best source of high quality protein and healthy fat is fish especially fatty fish like salmon that is rich in omega-3 and multiple other nutrients. It is proved through studies that the ones eating fish have low risk of heart diseases, depression and dementia.

6. Avoid overcooked Meat

Rich in proteins and nutrients, meat is an important part of your diet and if it is over burned it not only losses its food value but also enhances risk of cancer due to the formation of harmful compounds resulting from overburning.

7.  Love to eat vegetables and fruits

Health is impossible and wealth is wasted in medicines when vegetables and fruits are not eaten enough. Natural presence of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and prebiotic fiber in vegetables and fruits is the warning given by nature to you that if you avoid them healthy life will avoid you. The studies show that people fond of eating fruits and vegetables  are largely safe from obesity, heart diseases and type 2 diabetes and thus they live longer.

8. Doing some cardio is not useless

The aerobic exercise helps you reduce belly fat leading to good metabolism. Mental and physical health is achieved by doing this.

9. Always ask for herbs and spices

Ginger and turmeric have anti_inflamatory and antioxidant effects. So make herbs and spices an important part of your diet.

10. Value your relationships

Last but not least.  Your all relations- with humans , animals, trees, state laws are valuable for you. More they are love and honesty oriented more they give you mental and physical betterment. Many social studies show that a person blessed with friends and family is happier than the one who is deprived of them and lives longer life.


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