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Diet and infertility-how does diet affect fertility or how does nutrition affect the reproductive system

Diet and Infertility 

 Diet and infertility

Diet and infertility has got great relevance.  Worldwide, infertility rates have been seen in men and it is unclear what the underlying cause is, but it is likely to be a common diet.

This claim came up in at least one research in the United States.

More than 290 Danish youth were included in the Harvard T. Chen School of Public Health research.

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Researchers during the study examined the relationship between dietary choices and reproductive functions, and the results showed that fondness for Western-style diets or junk foods could reduce sperm count and increase the risk of infertility.

The study, published in the Medical Journal JAMA Network Open, found that people who are fond of eating pizza, fries and more sugars can be as much as 25 percent less likely to eat more fruits, vegetables and fish.

Researchers discovered that diets containing fruits, vegetables, fish and chicken are beneficial to general health while junk food is harmful.

Researchers say that nutrients are essential for healthy reproductive functions as it improves sperm health and is unlikely to cause infertility.

He said that antioxidants are important in supplements, sea food, chicken, nuts, commodities, vegetables and fruits because they provide the body with the antioxidation and omega-3 fatty acids needed to improve its ability to become supreme. ۔

All the people involved in the study were healthy and young, and were selected because all men under the age of 18 in Denmark undergo a physical examination for fitness in the military service.

During this routine inspection, the research team hired the youth for research.

These young people were told about dietary and lifestyle habits and what they ate during the last 3 months, after which, they were divided into 4 groups, namely vegetables, depending on their dietary trends. Western Food, Healthy and Open Sandwiches.

Their blood and sperm samples were taken and body weight, strength were also taken.

The results showed that people with certain foods like junk food or Western-style diets had the lowest quality of life and had a lower incidence rate, compared to those who did not eat a healthy diet. Healthier than ever.

Researchers advised young people to increase consumption of fish, chicken, vegetables, fruits and vegetables, while using less of pizza, french fries, processed and red meats, energy drinks and sweet junk food.

Beyond reproductive health, good diets should be used to prevent diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other serious diseases on a long-term basis. Besides this other important things to  know ar: 


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