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Different symptoms of Covid-19 Sudden Changes in the Feet may indicate Covid-19

Different symptoms of Covid-19

As the new novel coronavirus spreads around the world, medical experts are identifying new possible symptoms of the disease.

Fever and Covid 19

According to the World Health Organization, fever is the most common symptom of the infection and is seen in about 88% of cases (this rate was reported after an analysis of 55,000 cases in China). Dry cough, fatigue, cough with thick mucus and difficulty breathing, etc.

 Loss of Sense of Smell or Taste and Covid-19

Then in March, British scientists also described the loss of sense of smell or taste as a symptom of the disease, and several research reports have emerged, which support the idea that a sudden sense of smell or taste Depression can be a symptom of code 19, especially in patients who do not have other common symptoms

In addition, there have been recent reports that the virus can live longer in the eyes and conjunctivitis can be a sign of it.

 Cholera and Covid-19

A study published in the American Journal of Cataractology in early April found that some patients with code 19 had digestive problems, especially cholera, as a first symptom.

According to the research, in patients in whom cholera appears as the first symptom, the severity of the disease was mild, the symptoms of the respiratory system later became clear and in some cases such symptoms did not appear at all.

Sudden Change in Skin color or texture and Covid-19

And now doctors have identified another possible symptom, and that is a sudden change in skin color or texture.

Experts from the School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States have identified the symptom, called 'code tweezers', in which purple or blue marks or sores appear on the patient's feet and toes.

"It's painful and irritating to touch a wound or scar," said Dr. Ebbing Luthing Beach, an epidemiologist at the university.

According to medical experts, this new potential sign is also of great interest because it is seen in patients with Code 19 who do not have other symptoms, just as often loss of sense of smell and taste. It was seen in people who did not have other symptoms of the disease.

Dr. Ebbing said: "It's clear that this happens at the beginning of the disease, that is, it first occurs and then the disease progresses. In many cases, this is the first trace of Code 19, especially at this time. When other symptoms do not appear? Codex disappears in some people within a week to 10 days, but then respiratory symptoms begin to appear.

According to medical experts, this new symptom is more visible in children and adolescents than in other age groups, and Dr. Ebbing said that this indicates that the immunity of children and adolescents is much better.

He said the symptom had been discovered by doctors in Italy in March, and when experts reported the strange sign, it began to be recognized in more and more cases in the United States.
According to experts, the exact cause is not known, but there are two possible causes for code-tweezers. One possible explanation is that the disease results in an anti-inflammatory reaction in the feet and toes, or blood. The cause of the clotting in the arteries is, however, at present no clear answer is possible.
Susan Welcos, head of the intensive care unit at Massachusetts General Hospital, also saw purple marks on a large number of people in Code 19 and thought they were small blood clots in the veins caused by a severe infection. "It's very common in patients with respiratory distress (ARDS) and most people can't survive," he said.

"When there is an infection, your body releases the inflammation. In many cases, it is beneficial, but sometimes it becomes too much, which can harm the body itself," he said.

She said that she had seen serious cases of viral pneumonia or flu before, so it was not surprising for her to see this in patients with code 19.

According to Dr. Ebbing, caution and suspicion about this sign can help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

"In fact, patients with code-twins are more likely not to be diagnosed with the virus because the disease is in the early stages, but the patient should be quarantined at home to look for symptoms," he said. ۔

It should be noted that the World Health Organization has not yet included sniffing, loss of sense of taste or urgency problems as part of the list of symptoms of COD, but the research of experts in this regard is being reviewed in different countries.

The American Academy of Dermatology has asked its members and doctors around the world to report any skin symptoms related to Code 19 so that doctors can better understand how the disease is affecting the skin.


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