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What is the best age for a man to become a father?

What is the best age for a man to become a father?

best age to become a mother, becoming a father at 28,  best age to have kids and is 19 a good age to have a baby , today  this article is written on “ What is the right  age for men to be fathers”
For years women have been told not to wait for the third or fourth decade of childbirth, but now the fact has come that it should apply to men too.
In fact, with increasing age, it becomes increasingly difficult for men to become fathers.This was revealed in a new medical study.
Research published in the medical journal Journal of Human Reproduction revealed that the ability of pregnant males to 'significantly' decrease with age.
Research by Monash University in Australia revealed that the age of men is very important for the birth of children. The research found that with each year of aging, the probability of becoming a father in men decreases by 4.1 percent, regardless of the age of the wife. According to research, this capacity starts to decline significantly in men after 40 years and at 45, it can take up to 5 times longer than men in their 20s.The study involved more than 1,500 couples who had difficulty finding children for some unknown reason and also used IVF therapy. The ages of the men included in this study were between 27 and 77 years, while the females were between 21 and 48 years. Researchers say that the results of the effects of age on males for offspring have not been properly examined, with the opposite being known that women are more likely to become mothers by the middle of the fourth decade. Men's sperm begin to become more vulnerable to DNA damage, he said. Researchers acknowledge that research is at a limited level and the causes of fertility problems are difficult to detect. However, he said, people should understand that as they get older they may have difficulties obtaining children. He said that more information is seen in the case of women while the problems of men are hidden. Earlier in 2018, a study by Stanford University in the United States reviewed the birth data of more than 40 million children and analyzed its impact on parental age and child health.  The results showed that if the father is 45 years old, children may need prenatal, low birth weight and post-natal care such as ventilation or other.The study also found that if the father is up to 45, the risk of preterm birth or low birth weight increases by 14%. Researchers also claim that males of this age may also face maternal hypertension, which is due to changes in the sperm of men as they age. Researchers say that it is possible to avoid such negative consequences if men do not wait until the age of 45 to have children.


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