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Face Skin Care - 5 Useful Tips

Face Skin Care  needs these tips to be followed

  1. Sun and Facial Skin

Face Skin Care-5 Dos and Don’ts for Beautiful Skin

 Regularly apply sunscreen with SPF of at least 15 that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Since a lifetime of exposure to sun can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, you have to protect your face skin from the sun. Make sure the label reads ‘noncomedogenic’ or ‘nonacnegenic’ so that the product does not tend to block pores.  

Sweat It Out for sake of your Face Skin

Face Skin Care-5 Dos and Don’ts for Beautiful Skin

Ensure to do Exercise regularly. Running, jogging and regular yoga will give your body the necessary blood circulation, and also accelerate the cleansing process of your entire body. You will notice a glow on your face after working out. Racing against time? Just take a brisk walk around the block. This helps your face skin glow.

3.  H2O is Life for your Face Skin 

Face Skin Care-5 Dos and Don’ts for Beautiful Skin

Never forget to Hydrate yourself. Drink lots of water daily, at least 8 glasses if not more. Also, eats fruits and vegetables that have a high water content such as watermelon, cucumber, orange, strawberry, grapefruit and cantaloupe. The physician, Vasant Lad recommends to “drink water from a blue coloured bottle”, since it has a cooling effect. Water the field of your face where it will help grow beauty of face skin flower.

Face Skin Care is incomplete without Enough Sleep

Face Skin Care-5 Dos and Don’ts for Beautiful Skin

Face Skin Care is incomplete without Enough Sleep so you need to sleep for at least 8 hours every night. If you don’t get enough shut eye, your skin gets tired just like you - it sags and you get bags. So don’t risk it. You can also apply honey on your face twice or thrice a week to naturally soothe and heal your skin. Face skin care tip like this cannot be underestimated.

5. Healthy Diet is a must as a Face Skin care Tip

If you want to look beautiful by taking care of your face skin then  Keep a note of what you put on your plate. Better eat fresh and related fruit greens, sufficient protein and vitamins. A diet rich in vitamin C and low in fats and sugar promotes for your glowing skin Consider a low-sugar diet, which can keep insulin levels down, allowing cells to maintain a balanced healthy diet for the facial shining.
Follow Face Skin Care-5 Dos  for Beautiful Skin from now.


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