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Liver- Definition, Diseases and Care

Definition Of Liver  Only vertebrates have liver. Situated in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen   and below the diaphragm it detoxifies various   metabolites, synthesizes proteins   and produces biochemicals which necessary for digestion and growth.  Diseases Of Liver Some of the major diseases associated with liver are   liver Cancer, hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure,   ascites,   hemochromatosis, primary sclerroshing cholangitis and primary biliary cirrhosis.    Care Of Liver Prevention is better than cure.   Above mentioned diseases are dangerous for whose treatment a qualified doctor should be consulted with. But following measures are very useful and effective in to guard you against the liver diseases       1. Eat a balanced diet         You should always try your best to avoid high calorie-meals, saturated fat, refined carbohydrates i-e  white bread, white rice and regular pasta) and sugars. Don’t eat raw or undercooked shellfish. For a well-adjusted

Major Development In The Treatment Of Coronavirus

The study made  in France this week found to be effective for victims of the coronavirus disease  Cod-19 and similar results have now emerged in Australia. Two drugs were combined for this. Scientists at the University of Queensland have decided to launch a clinical trial of 2 drugs currently available. Talking about the study,  Professor David Patterson, director of the University's Center for Clinical Research said  these drugs were very effective in test tube experiments and  that they were now beginning to test them on patients in clinics - one of the drugs used for HIV. While the other is anti-malaria drug. He also disclosed that before the trial on patients these drugs were used by some of Australia's first patients affected by Cod 19 who fully recovered and now their efficacy in this regard will be confirmed formally. Researchers are now ready to test it on a larger scale in 60 hospitals across Australia to determine their best use. He further hopped ''the

AMERICANS Demand for weapons Because of Coronavirus

As a result f  the new Novel Coronavirus spreading in various countries of the world, the demand for  relevant goods such as face masks, hand sanitisers  and toilet paper has gone up remarkably and is causing shortage. Interestingly, not only these things are in demand and  their availability at the stores is getting decreased in the  United States weapons  are also in high demand because the people have started making stock of weapons in their homes. Is it not something surprising to know that on the one hand people in United States Of America being getting crazy to see schools and offices closed so that further spread of the virus can be contained and hurrying to store the ration including the cleaning material they are also  purchasing the weapons in the same magnitude?! The British Daily Guardian reported Larry Hate  a weapons trader in Charlotte  telling this interesting  story that the spread of the virus has  caused increase in the weapon business as much as he had

New Corona virus developed in laboratory? The scientists responded

New Coronavirus  developed in laboratory? The scientists responded Some circles with regard to the Novel Corona virus suspect it has been manufactured in a laboratory or has been made by humans. But now scientists have rejected it in a research.   After reviewing the genome sequencing data of the new Corona virus and related viruses, scientists said there was no evidence that the virus was made by a laboratory or human. Scientists involved in the research, published in the Journal Nature Medicine, say that after comparing the available genome sequences of several types of corona viruses we can clearly say that this or the corona virus is the result of natural processes. This research, made to determine the origin, included scientists from Tulane University, Columbia University, Edinburgh University, the Scripps Research Institute of America and Sydney University of Australia.   Coronaviruses belongs to a family of germs which are responsible for causing a variety of dise

What is diabetes insipidus?

What is diabetes insipidus?  and why do we get it? Diabetes  insipidus is caused by one of the problems with the production, or processing, of the hormone vasopressin (AVP). If you have it your kidneys are unable to retain water. It produces large amounts of urine and consequently increases thirst.  Diabetes insipidus can occur at any age but  it is most commonly found in adults. This is a rare disorder affecting only 1 in 25,000 people. To understand  diabetes insipidus, we need to understand a little bit about how the body regulates water balance , how much water the body takes and how much it discharges. Water balance is very important for the body. A large part of who we are is made of water. In addition, the amount of water we have in our circulation is a major factor in determining the balance of salt in our body. As with any other important function, the body has a sensitive mechanism for regulating water balance. As with any good mechanism it is as simple as the two

Child Obesity - Definition, Causes,Effects and Remedies or Prevention

Definition Of Child Obesity A child is obese if he or she has stored too much fat. Weight of an obese child is more than that of a average child with respect to his age and height. Though the physician should be consulted with to determine the the obesity of the child yet the general measurement is a child is affected by obesity if his BMI ( Body Mass Index) for age is higher than 95% and a child is overweight if his BMI for his age is in between 85% and 95%. Causes Of Obesity In Children There are different causes of obesity in children. The most prominent among them are : One,  eating high fat and high sugary foods is common cause of obesity in children. Children affected by it eat less healthy foods. Two, Physical inactivity is an other cause of child obesity. Modern internet world has confined the children into their rooms. Tv, mobiles and electronic games are the favourite but less healthy things for the children. Outdoor games and healthy walks in parks should have

5 Ways for your Physical Fitness

Health is wealth and nothing is more precious than this wealth. The hectic daily work schedule  of almost every man has made the attainment of this wealth an uphill task. But you need not to worry for here are ten things to do for your happy healthy life. 1. Save Yourself From Stress Avoid from creating or getting involved in stress causing situations. Rather do something daily that helps you get rid of stress.  For this, you can read good books, do yoga, watch comedy drama or movie, spend time with your pets or go to a park to feel nature and silence.   2. Healthy Diet Healthy Life  Most people suffer due to their unplanned eating.  Junk food is not better than hunger! It negatively affects you. Right amount of proteins, vegetables and fruits should never be missing in your daily diet. Prepare meals even for a week rather than  resorting to the acai beri like supplements. 3. Get Your Nutrients Be careful not to miss the nutrients while eating your "planned ba