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Different symptoms of Covid-19 Sudden Changes in the Feet may indicate Covid-19

Different symptoms of Covid-19 As the new novel coronavirus spreads around the world, medical experts are identifying new possible symptoms of the disease. Fever and Covid 19 According to the World Health Organization, fever is the most common symptom of the infection and is seen in about 88% of cases (this rate was reported after an analysis of 55,000 cases in China). Dry cough, fatigue, cough with thick mucus and difficulty breathing, etc.  Loss of Sense of Smell or Taste and Covid-19 Then in March, British scientists also described the loss of sense of smell or taste as a symptom of the disease, and several research reports have emerged, which support the idea that a sudden sense of smell or taste Depression can be a symptom of code 19, especially in patients who do not have other common symptoms In addition, there have been recent reports that the virus can live longer in the eyes and conjunctivitis can be a sign of it.  Cholera and Covid-19 A study published in

10 Ways To help Yourself To Live a Better Sex Life

10 Ways To help Yourself To a Better Sex Life 10 Ways To help Yourself To Live a Better Sex Life you are going to read will help you to make your body and soul happy by having properly the blessing of sweet nature.

20 Tips for Optimal Eye Health

Most of us are familiar with the five senses through which we interact with our environment, namely, vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch, right? But how many of you have ever wondered which of them is more valuable? Certainly, each of these senses is invaluable in itself, but the approach is by far the most important, as it is used to learn about 80% of all impressions. So, now you have a better idea of ​​why you have more serious health in your eyes, and if not, it will hurt your pocket as well. Wait a minute, did you say "your pocket"? Let me fix it, it hurts our pockets! I wonder how? I refer you to a study called "The Economic burden of blindness and disorder in the United States", which costs the US government about $ $ billion billion annually. In fact, neglecting eye care not only affects you financially, but it also affects your quality of life. One in every six American adults (45 years of age or older) has one or the other type of eye problem, and


What can you do for your kidneys? YOUR KIDNEYS CARE Kidney disease is a silent killer. This can greatly affect your quality of life. There are several ways to reduce the risk of kidney diseases.

A good News about Coronavirus-Coronavirus Vaccine Tested on Humans

Coronavirus Vaccine Tested on Humans Coronavirus Vaccine Tested on Humans It is really a good news to read that more than 35 companies around the world are currently working on vaccines to protect against the rapidly spreading coronavirus, of which an American company has now begun testing the vaccine on humans.

'Sleep Apnea': People who have respiratory illness during sleep

'Sleep Apnea': People who have respiratory illness during sleep 'Sleep Apnea': People who have respiratory illness during sleep Enhanced respiratory illness during sleep is a serious problem. Here is the true situation told. I felt like I was dying. In the daytime, I felt so tired that I would often get down on my knees, driving, and I would fall asleep, and then I would handle myself. Fatigue was noticeable on my face.

Nose Hair How to remove or Plucking nose hair myth

Nose Hair- Three ways to trim 1. Trimming According to Dr Russak the your best and safest nose hair is trimming. Take scissors and stand in front of a good mirror and the start trimming your nose hair safely.  2. Buzzing Like trimming  other way  isan electric buzzer which a safe and easy way to remove nasal hair. This painless method will save you time compared to trimming with scissors. Now more and more brands are available as electric facial buzzers especially  designed for women. 3. Laser Hair Removal Do you want a more permanent solution ? And if it is by age or hormonal issues the remove nose hair with a good quality laser hair removal. But for this purpose go to a professional for a safe (and effective) experience. Benefits Of Nose Hair Nose hair  serves an important function in your body so  it should not be altered too drastically. Nose hair keeps particles from entering your body which reduces allergies and infections. Does  Trimming N